Frightened Rabbit - Die Like A Rich Boy download song

  • Artist: Frightened Rabbit
  • Song Title: Die Like A Rich Boy
  • Music Genre: Indie
  • Length: 03:26
  • Size: 8MB
  • Bitrate: 320Kbps
  • Uploaded:
  • Upload by: J. Ham
Download Frightened Rabbit - Die Like A Rich Boy

Popular Music Frightened Rabbit

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11 Frightened Rabbit - The Modern Leper 320 03:51
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Amy Spivey

2021-10-11 13:19:06 | User Info
Will never stop loving him. Will never stop loving this.

Noelle Duong

2021-02-13 13:35:20 | User Info
... This song had always hurt, but now it just breaks me. The world will miss you and your music will live on everyday. Today is one of the most heart breaking days of my life hearing of your passing. I'm so sorry you couldn't bare it anymore buddy, I hope the pain is gone forever.

omar ellington

2021-01-12 00:37:35 | User Info
Scott's songs have always brought out the emotions i didnt want to deal with but they made them bearable and easier to manage . it sucks he himself couldnt find a way to experience that himself. rest now dude. But please if you battle depression and/or anxiety i know how isolated it can make you feel, your not alone there are people out there to help. people do suffer like yourself. reach out to friends, family, online communities, therapy isnt for everyone but everyone HAS their own way of dealing with it thats right for them jsut need help finding it sometimes :)


2020-10-28 10:48:27 | User Info
R.I.P You beautiful man your music was so true and honest it connected with so many people in today's world. Sail through the clouds beautiful man playing your golden guitar singing to the angels and we will sit and listen to your music too. not in sadness but with a smile for the legacy you left us. xxxxx.

Mia Teoxon

2020-06-28 12:44:57 | User Info
The acoustics of that room tho... Mm.

LaJoyaDelSur 21

2020-05-15 06:54:37 | User Info
You died rich, not with money, but with lives you saved and the infinite love you spread.


2020-05-12 07:52:26 | User Info
I am going away to learn this song and sing it loud when busking now.

Justin Beck

2020-05-11 16:09:13 | User Info
In tears listening to this song now. I know there is no confirmation yet, but my heart is heavy nontheless.

Francesco Annunzi

2020-05-05 17:35:15 | User Info
You're still keeping people company in their darkest times, Scott. I hope you're out there somehow.

Grahame Lamblamb

2020-04-11 21:45:33 | User Info
I have to confess, I only discovered this artist as a result of the tragedy hitting the news. They are all such raw and emotional songs... at least his music means his soul will never die. RIP young man, and remember, if you know someone who is suffering, talk to them, and keep them close. Hearing 'i'm ok thanks' sometimes means exactly the opposite. Love to all.

tate #

2020-04-03 04:11:49 | User Info
Part of my heart has been torn off and I am reeling with grief at the loss of this tender,exquisitely talented man. His articulate songs,laced with both pain and wry humour meant so much to so many. My whole being goes out to his loving family and friends.


2020-04-01 19:23:29 | User Info
One year and this continues to bring tears to my eyes It’s true you never know what you had until it’s gone. Love you Scott, where ever the fuck you are. Hopefully floating off in peace

James Mclaughlin

2020-03-30 04:50:18 | User Info
I still pop by this video every couple of months to spend a few minutes with Scott. Never fails to move me x


2020-03-25 00:55:53 | User Info
As with a lot of Scotts music, in hindsight it seems like he always knew he was going to do it, and even how he was going to do it. Its fucked up but it almost feels like it was the final artistic act, because once he done it, it just made every word he wrote hit home a million times harder. Songs that you never thought too deeply into the meanings of, suddenly hit you and make you step back and see a big picture where there was once just some blurred colours. Intentional or not, artistically speaking that's quite a statement to leave on planet earth, I'm sure many singer songwriters / artists, have wanted to leave the world that way, but just never quite managed to write the songs to make the hindsight seem so poignant. One things for sure, Scott was a true artist, a truly great singer songwriter of lyrical gems, in a time where lyrical content comes second to ADHD and Ed fucking Sheeran, that man isn't fit to sharpen Scotts pencil when it comes to songwriting, which is why Ed Sheeran will never have the effect on anyone that Scott can when you hear him sing something like this is. This is fine art, compared with Sheerans I'm in love with the shape of you which is more like a drawing a dog did on a wall with a crayon in its mouth.

Sarah Fitzgerald

2020-03-21 12:21:34 | User Info
my heart utterly breaks listening to this song now. thank you for everything scott.....

Latoya Meadows

2020-03-17 14:09:18 | User Info
I hope you find peace Scott you will be missed. This is still one of my favorite songs in the world.


2020-03-11 00:42:39 | User Info
The usual lump in my throat when listening to this is now much bigger, and the corners of my eyes are no longer able to dam the flow

Brayden McQuitty

2020-03-06 20:56:50 | User Info
Wow... Hindsight is 20/20... Sorry you had to go, Scott... But you shared more of yourself with the world than most folks ever do, over many many more years than you had. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. Thanks for planting pretty flowers down dark roads to help others find their way, and come back from being lost... Sorry it cost you yourself to do it. XOXO