Lana Del Rey - Heroin download song

  • Artist: Lana Del Rey
  • Song Title: Heroin
  • Music Genre: Pop
  • Length: 05:55
  • Size: 13.9MB
  • Bitrate: 320Kbps
Download Lana Del Rey - Heroin

Popular Music Lana Del Rey

# Song Title Bitrate Length
1 Lana Del Rey - Florida Kilos 160 04:20
2 Lana Del Rey - Radio 320 03:34


Banks Family

2021-06-19 22:44:12 | User Info
Im an ex herion addict, I never know something so beautiful could be written about something so horrible. Amazing poetry to music.


2020-12-15 08:36:34 | User Info
I am 50 years old.II have heard everything from "LEADBELLY" to latest TECHNO,Rock'n roll /METAL all in my life but no artist has touched me deeper & so profoundly as Lana Del Ray ,esp.this song.

Klara F.

2020-09-14 11:05:06 | User Info
The girl from the thumbnail looks like Hanna Baker from 13 Reasons Why

DEBS bollls

2020-07-24 10:07:31 | User Info
"I want to leave, ill probably stay another year. Its hard to leave when absolutely nothing's clear."

Надюшка Ким

2020-05-16 12:06:25 | User Info
A girl I used with once told me "HERION gives u wings, but takes away the sky"!!! It was the saddest thing anyone has ever said to me as the tears rolled down her face she od'ed a couple months ago she was a beautiful tourted soul I miss her so!!!


2020-05-14 12:25:52 | User Info
This is probably, along with "hope is a dangerous thing...", Lana's darkest, deepest song. She's talking about how her lover (or someone she deeply cares about) is a heroin addict whom she helped get clean in hopes that "everything will be OK." - all while talking about her own turmoils and agonies and how life is "rocking her hard", to end up realizing with the last chorus that it's actually Lana who is seeking recovery from heroin, which she depicts as her "marzipan", ie something sweet she eats as a dessert. That explains why Topanga is hot and why everything is sticky and everyone is going crazy and she's writing with her blood on the walls etc... Those are her illusions speaking. I love this song to the point of addiction - this is my kind of Heroin !

Yulissa Canales

2020-05-09 00:24:28 | User Info
One of the best, if not the best, song of lust for life.


2020-05-06 21:31:04 | User Info
all people who have an intense soul, write a journal......

Nathan Gaines

2020-05-06 02:14:09 | User Info
The thing about Lana Del Rey is that when you think you have heard her best song, there is always a better song she composed.

Simon Willis

2020-05-06 00:31:31 | User Info
This girl is one of the deepest artists ive ever heard full respect sister


2020-05-05 14:40:10 | User Info
Thanks for the lovely comments, I think this is my fave edit :purple_heart:


2020-05-04 13:21:10 | User Info
Heroin is probably one of my favorite songs off the album... your video did it justice!

KLDCG Multimedia

2020-05-04 07:36:26 | User Info
I've been reading the comments,and I just want to say I'm so proud of the heroin addicts that have beat it. Or should I say, ex heroin addicts. I am so proud of you guys, I watched my brother withdrawal from it, and it's the most heart wretching thing my 6 year old brain had to endure. I love you all:heart:️

Jessica Smith

2020-05-03 07:22:57 | User Info
staring at my arms currently and im glad theres no trackmarks anymore


2020-05-01 21:36:31 | User Info
"I want to leave - I'll probably stay another year"

Nick Adamson

2020-04-30 14:09:19 | User Info
How is Lana's voice both 40 and 20 at the same time? It's like being 20 and 40 at the same time.