Wardruna - Solringen download song

  • Artist: Wardruna
  • Song Title: Solringen
  • Music Genre: Metal
  • Length: 06:32
  • Size: 9.2MB
  • Bitrate: 192Kbps
Download Wardruna - Solringen

Popular Music Wardruna

# Song Title Bitrate Length
1 Wardruna - Bjarkan 320 05:56
2 Wardruna - Fehu 320 06:47
3 Wardruna - Helvegen 256 07:12
4 Wardruna - IngwaR 256 05:32
5 Wardruna - IwaR 320 05:46
6 Wardruna - Løyndomsriss 320 03:18
7 Wardruna - MannaR - Drivande 320 04:07
8 Wardruna - MannaR - Liv 256 05:12
9 Wardruna - NaudiR 256 06:32
10 Wardruna - Odal 320 05:30
11 Wardruna - Pertho 320 02:20
12 Wardruna - Runaljod 320 07:38
13 Wardruna - Sowelu 320 07:40
14 Wardruna - Tyr 160 06:31
15 Wardruna - UruR 320 10:13



Vionita Agustin

2021-06-28 08:49:40 | User Info
I think the reason Wardruna songs speak to me, is because our ancient ancestors used chanting, singing and drums as one of the primary forms for music and entertainment. This type of music was also used for formal gatherings like weddings, funerals and rallying for battle. So listening to these songs is like listening to a part of your soul that you've forgotten but is ever present through DNA.


2021-04-21 19:03:44 | User Info
My wife found me in my undies dancing around some candles i set up.

Larry Farr

2020-07-23 13:41:22 | User Info
Ki Ora brother, greetings from a Maori, from one warrior race to another


2020-06-26 04:37:55 | User Info
The ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. Originating in ancient Egyptian iconography, the ouroboros entered western tradition via Greek magical tradition and was adopted as a symbol in Gnosticism and Hermeticism and most notably in alchemy.The ouroboros is often interpreted as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death and rebirth. The skin-sloughing process of snakes symbolizes the transmigration of souls, the snake biting its own tail is a fertility symbol. The tail of the snake is a phallic symbol, the mouth is a yonic or womb-like symbol. If any of you were wondering what the spinning dragon was.

Марина Рябцева

2020-06-12 00:48:26 | User Info
I played this song for my English Mastiff, Rufus, and he rose up on 2 legs, spoke to me in some ancient language, and left through the back door...presumably to find his way "home". Thanks, Wardruna. Now I don't have a dog anymore.

Два Димаса

2020-05-16 15:16:46 | User Info
The simplest way to understand what life is and what life is all about is to live it!

Marco Roc

2020-05-16 02:21:15 | User Info
My mum had suffered for years with many illnesses unfortunately she lost her battle on the 24th of April... She almost died almost exactly this time last year but she somehow survived.. during this last year of her life.. I introduced her to bands like heilung skald and she loved Wardruna the most... It helped her get through a very rough year. But sadly it was to much for her this time.... This was her favourite song that helped her get through everything... I was ment to take her to see Wardruna this year in June in Manchester England for her bday... Due to Corona virus and the global pandemic Wardruna had to change their tour date... It's rescheduled for the 24th of April 2021... This is a sign it has to be... I love you so much mum... I miss you so much.... You where always there to pick me up in my lows and be there laughing away during my highs.... You are my rock... And those last words you told me... "Watch everything and give them hell" I live by that now... I'll make you proud .. promise xxxxx


2020-05-14 18:11:00 | User Info
Gods...there's just something about all Wardruna songs that's speaks so deeply to my heart and soul, and sends goosebumps ALL over my body


2020-05-13 17:36:05 | User Info
I was putting this on a loop to get my daughter to sleep, when I came to check up on her I found a 6 ft bearded man in a crib. Thanks Wardruna now I have to get me more beer 'coz he drank it all.

zjon rob

2020-05-13 04:00:11 | User Info
Norwegian to English translation: Sola gjekk i ringen, sumaren sende Hanar galar rismål for alvar i enga (15x) Hanar galande, galdrar groande Nornar spinnande, lagnadar bindane Gudar gråtande, ulvar ulande Ravnar ropande, risar sovande Skuggar truande, aksen duvande Rogne voksande, soli skinande The sun wheeled in its ring the summer she sent Roosters crowing waking songs for elves in the meadow Roosters crowing - galders growing Norns spinning - fates binding Gods crying - wolves howling Ravens shouting - giants sleeping Shadows threatening - barley swaying Fields growing - sun shining Wolves hunting - sun fleeing Roosters crowing - galders growing

gema garcia

2020-05-11 11:17:11 | User Info
Just had the most epic cup of tea of my life.


2020-05-10 11:04:23 | User Info
feels in a way familiar to "Witcher wild hunt" soundtracks

rachel bartosic

2020-05-09 07:33:34 | User Info
In my culture we had songs for everything, and that's lost now. There were songs for when people were born, when they died, when they sowed the field, baked bread and they're gone now mostly. I think we need these songs today. One of the reasons people connect to Wardruna in such a personal way is because there is a need for these songs and for that kind of connection to the nameless. Call it nature, god whatever.

Tom Beerling

2020-05-06 05:33:48 | User Info
There's something about scandinavian culture and religion that makes it extremely special. Maybe it is the fact that northern paganism was the last to surrender and because of that is most close historically to us, idk. But it amazes me.


2020-05-06 02:10:06 | User Info
This made me want to invade some English shores...

Misterio Dark

2020-05-04 10:59:41 | User Info
Is the ring spinning or am I tripping?


2020-05-04 09:17:53 | User Info
English translation: The Ring of the Sun The sun wheeled in its ring the summer she sent Roosters crowing waking songs for elves in the meadow strength in the body growth in the earth Roosters crowing - galders growing Norns spinning - fates binding Gods crying - wolves howling Ravens shouting - giants sleeping Shadows threatening - barley swaying Fields growing - sun shining Wolves hunting - sun fleeing Roosters crowing - galders growing


2020-05-03 01:36:57 | User Info
Love this, makes me want run through a forest.